Fitting models with Pumas


Jose Storopoli

using Dates
using Pumas
using PumasUtilities
using CairoMakie
using DataFramesMeta
using PharmaDatasets

Some functions in this tutorial are only available after you load the PumasUtilities package.

1 Fitting a PK model

In this tutorial we will go through the steps required to fit a model in Pumas.

We’ll show two models:

  1. proportional error model
  2. additive error model

Additionally, we’ll learn how to compare both models and make a decision on which model is more appropriate for the data.

1.1 Pumas’ workflow

  1. Define a model. It can be a PumasModel or a PumasEMModel.
  2. Define a Subject and Population.
  3. Fit your model.
  4. Perform inference on the model’s population-level parameters (also known as fixed effects).
  5. Predict from a fitted model using the empirical Bayes estimate or Simulate random observations from a fitted model using the sampling distribution (also known as likelihood).
  6. Model diagnostics and visual predictive checks.

Pumas modeling is a highly iterative process. Eventually you’ll probably go back and forth in the stages of workflow. This is natural and expected in Pumas’ modeling. Just remember to have good code organization and version control for all of the workflow iterations.


Objects of PumasModel are created with the @model macro and they represent NLME models, i.e. models that we fit with iterative maximum likelihood estimates with first order (conditional) dynamics FO/FOCE/LaplaceI.

PumasEMModel are created with the @emmodel macro and they represent SAEM models, i.e. models that we fit using stochastic aproximation of the expectation-maximization estimation method.

1.1.1 Defining a model in Pumas

To define a model in Pumas, you can use either the macros or the function interfaces. We will cover the macros interface in this lesson.

To define a model using the macro interface, you start with a begin .. end block of code with @model:

my_model = @model begin end
  Random effects: 
  Dynamical variables: 

This creates an empty model. Now we need to populate it with model components. These are additional macros that we can include inside the @model definition. We won’t be covering all the possible macros that we can use in this lesson, but here is the full list:

  • @param, fixed effects specifications.
  • @random, random effects specifications.
  • @covariates, covariate names.
  • @pre, pre-processing variables for the dynamic system and statistical specification.
  • @dosecontrol, specification of any dose control parameters present in the model.
  • @vars, shorthand notation.
  • @init, initial conditions for the dynamic system.
  • @dynamics, dynamics of the model.
  • @derived, statistical modeling of dependent variables.
  • @observed, model information to be stored in the model solution.

The model components are marked by special macros. A macro in Julia behaves somewhat like a function and is marked with a @ character. These model components should be placed inside the @model macro. Model parameters with @param

Ok, let’s start with our model_proportional using the macro @model interface.

First, we’ll define our parameters with the @param macro:

@param begin
    ParameterName  Domain(...)

To use the “in” () operator in Julia, you can either replace for in or type \in <TAB> for the Unicode character.

By using the begin ... end block we can specify one parameter per line.

Regarding the Domain(...), Pumas has several types of domains for you to specify in your @param block. Here is a list:

  • RealDomain for scalar parameters
  • VectorDomain for vectors
  • PDiagDomain for positive definite matrices with diagonal structure
  • PSDDomain for general positive semi-definite matrices

PDiagDomain and PSDDomain are generally used for between-subject variability (BSV) covariance matrices.

By using PDiagDomain we are implying that the BSV are independent, i.e. they are not allowed to have covariance, since the off-diagonal elements are turned off by default.

Whereas, by using PSDDomain we are implying that the BSV are not independent, i.e. they are allowed to have covariance, since we have a full covariance matrix instead of a diagonal one.


If you don’t specify any arguments inside the domain constructor it will either error (for some domains that have required arguments) or will use the defaults. In the case of the RealDomain() without arguments it just uses the following arguments:

RealDomain(; lower = -∞, upper = ∞, init = 0)
@param begin
    tvcl  RealDomain(; lower = 0) # typical clearance
    tvvc  RealDomain(; lower = 0) # typical central volume of distribution
    Ω  PDiagDomain(2)           # between-subject variability
    σ  RealDomain(; lower = 0)   # residual variability

We will be using the convention to name population-specific parameters (also commonly referred to as typical values) as tv*.

For example, typical clearance will be named as tvcl. Subject parameters with @random

Second, we’ll define our subject-specific parameters (commonly known as our etas, η, or random effects) with the @random macro:

@random begin
    η ~ MvNormal(Ω) # multi-variate Normal with mean 0 and covariance matrix Ω

Here we are using the random assignment with the tilde notation, as in η ~ Distribution(...). This means that the parameter η is distributed as some distribution Distribution with certain parameters.

In our case, η comes from a multivariate normal distribution (MvNormal) with a single positional argument Ω which itself is a positive diagonal covariance matrix. This way of instantiating a multivariate normal distribution implies that the mean vector is a vector filled with 0s. Hence, our η is a vector of the same length as Ω’s dimensionality, i.e. vector of length 2.


You can use any distribution in the @random block. For a full list of distributions, check the Pumas @random documentation.

You don’t need to be constrained to normal or multivariate normal. Don’t forget to check the Beyond Gaussian Random Effects tutorial. Pre-processing variables with @pre

We can specify all the necessary variable and statistical pre-processing with the @pre macro.


The @pre block is traditionally used to specify the inputs of the Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) system used for non-linear mixed-effects PK/PD models (NLME).

We can also use @pre to specify variable transformations.

Here, we are defining all the individual PK parameters, i.e. the typical values with the added ηs:

@pre begin
    CL = tvcl * exp(η[1])
    Vc = tvvc * exp(η[2])

We will be using the convention to name subject-specific PK parameters (also commonly referred to as individual coefficients or icoefs) with uppercase.

For example, the subject-specific clearance parameter will be named as CL. Model dynamics with @dynamics

The next block is the @dynamics blocks. Here we specify all of the model’s dynamics, i.e. the ordinary differential equation (ODE) system:

@dynamics begin
    Central' = -CL / Vc * Central

We specify one ODE per line inside the @dynamics block. The syntax is:

Compartment' = transformation * Compartment

This means that the rate of change, i.e. the derivative, of the compartment Compartment is equal to a transformation of the current values of the compartment Compartment. It is very similar to the textbook/paper math notation that you see in most pharmacometrics resources.

We can name our compartments whatever we want. In our example, we are naming the central compartment simply as Central.


You can also use aliases for the most common compartment models as a shortcut. Check the Pumas documentation on the predefined ODEs.

For example, the Central1 alias corresponds to the following @dynamics block:

Central' = -(CL / Vc) * Central

If you are using the aliases, don’t forget to adjust the variables’ naming in the @pre block accordingly.


Under the hood Pumas performs some checks on your ODE system specified in the @dynamics block.

First, Pumas will check if the ODE is linear, and, if possible, will replace your ODE system by a simple matrix exponentiation operation, which is faster than the analytical closed form solution.

Second, Pumas will check if the ODE system is a stiff ODE system, and adjust the numerical solver accordingly.

This means that you don’t need to think about numerical details of your ODE system. Just focus on the dynamics and let Pumas take care of the rest. Statistical modeling of dependent variables with @derived

Our final block, @derived, is used to specify all the assumed distributions of observed variables that are derived from the blocks above. This is where we include our dependent variable/observation: dv and any other intermediate values that we need to calculate:

@derived begin
    cp = @. 1_000 * Central / Vc # Change of units
    dv ~ @. Normal(cp, cp * σ)

Note that dv is being declared as following a Normal distribution with the same tilde notation ~ as we used in the @random block. It means (much like the mathematical model notation) that dv follows a Normal distribution. Since dv is a vector of values, we need to broadcast, i.e. vectorize, the operation with the dot . operator:

dv ~ Normal.(μ, σ)

where μ and σ are the parameters that parametrizes the distribution, and in this case are the mean and standard deviation respectively. We can use the @. macro which tells Julia to apply the . in every operator and function call after it:

dv ~ @. Normal(μ, σ)

We are using the @. macro which tells Julia to vectorize (add the “dot syntax”) to all operations and function calls to the right of it.

Additionally, we are also calculating an intermediate variable cp which represents the concentration in plasma.

Here we are using a deterministic assignment with the equal sign =. This means that the calculation of cp is deterministically equal to the values of the Central compartment divided by the individual volume of the Central compartment PK parameter, Vc, scaled by a thousands units. Hence, the multiplication by a 1_000.


In this block we can use all variables defined in the previous blocks, in our example the @param, @dynamics and @pre blocks. Creating two different Pumas models

We now proceed by creating two different Pumas models. Both of them are 1-compartment IV models, but with different error models.


The additive error model has a parameter σ inside the @derived block that, contrary to the proportional error model, is not multiplied by the mean cp:

dv ~ @. Normal(cp, σ)
model_proportional = @model begin

    @param begin
        # here we define the parameters of the model
        tvcl  RealDomain(; lower = 0) # typical clearance 
        tvvc  RealDomain(; lower = 0) # typical central volume of distribution
        Ω  PDiagDomain(2)           # between-subject variability
        σ  RealDomain(; lower = 0)    # residual variability

    @random begin
        # here we define random effects
        η ~ MvNormal(Ω) # multi-variate Normal with mean 0 and covariance matrix Ω

    @pre begin
        # pre computations and other statistical transformations
        CL = tvcl * exp(η[1])
        Vc = tvvc * exp(η[2])

    # here we define compartments and dynamics
    @dynamics begin
        Central' = -CL / Vc * Central

    @derived begin
        # here is where we calculate concentration and add residual error
        # tilde (~) means "distributed as"
        cp = @. 1_000 * Central / Vc # Change of units
        dv ~ @. Normal(cp, cp * σ)
  Parameters: tvcl, tvvc, Ω, σ
  Random effects: η
  Dynamical variables: Central
  Derived: cp, dv
  Observed: cp, dv
model_additive = @model begin

    @param begin
        # here we define the parameters of the model
        tvcl  RealDomain(; lower = 0) # typical clearance 
        tvvc  RealDomain(; lower = 0) # typical central volume of distribution
        Ω  PDiagDomain(2)           # between-subject variability
        σ  RealDomain(; lower = 0)    # residual variability

    @random begin
        # here we define random effects
        η ~ MvNormal(Ω) # multi-variate Normal with mean 0 and covariance matrix Ω

    @pre begin
        # pre computations and other statistical transformations
        CL = tvcl * exp(η[1])
        Vc = tvvc * exp(η[2])

    # here we define compartments and dynamics
    @dynamics begin
        Central' = -CL / Vc * Central

    @derived begin
        # here is where we calculate concentration and add residual error
        # tilde (~) means "distributed as"
        cp = @. 1_000 * Central / Vc # Change of units
        dv ~ @. Normal(cp, σ)
  Parameters: tvcl, tvvc, Ω, σ
  Random effects: η
  Dynamical variables: Central
  Derived: cp, dv
  Observed: cp, dv

1.1.2 Define a Subject and Population

Once we have our model defined we have to specify a Subject or a Population.

In Pumas, subjects are represented by the Subject type and collections of subjects are represented as vectors of Subjects are defined as Population.

Subjects can be constructed with the Subject constructor, for example:

Subject(; id = 1)
  ID: 1

We just constructed a Subject that has ID equal to 1 and no extra information.

Since a Population is just a vector of Subjects, we can use a simple map function over the a list of IDs:

pop1 = map(i -> Subject(; id = i), 1:10)
  Subjects: 10

Or we can construct the vector of Subjects manually:

pop2 = [Subject(; id = 1), Subject(; id = 2)]
  Subjects: 2
pop1 isa Population
pop2 isa Population

As you can see a Vector of Subjects will always be a Population. Reading Subjects directly from a DataFrame

Of course we don’t want to create Subjects and Populations manually. We generally have the data represented in some sort of tabular data format, e.g. CSV or Excel files.


We can parse a DataFrame into a Population (or Subject in the case of a single subject data) with the read_pumas function.

The read_pumas function accepts as first argument a DataFrame followed by the following keyword arguments:

  • observations: dependent variables specified by a vector of column names, i.e. [:DV].
  • covariates: covariates specified by a vector of column names.
  • id: specifies the unique Subject ID column of the DataFrame.
  • time: specifies the time column of the DataFrame.
  • amt: specifies the amount column of the DataFrame.
  • evid: specifies the event unique ID (EVID) column of the DataFrame.

The read_pumas function has more keywords arguments and options than described above. Don’t forget to check the Pumas documentation on read_pumas. The iv_sd_3 dataset

In our example, we’ll be using the iv_sd_3 (intravenous single dose 3) dataset from the PharmaDatasets package. This package has several pharma-related datasets ready to be used in the most common pharmacometrics workflows, such as in our example, PK model fitting.

pkdata = dataset("iv_sd_3")
first(pkdata, 5)
5×9 DataFrame
Row id time cp dv amt evid cmt rate dosegrp
Int64 Float64 Float64? Float64? Float64? Int64 Int64 Float64 Int64
1 1 0.0 missing missing 10.0 1 1 0.0 10
2 1 0.25 239.642 233.091 missing 0 1 0.0 10
3 1 0.5 235.243 270.886 missing 0 1 0.0 10
4 1 0.75 230.925 309.181 missing 0 1 0.0 10
5 1 1.0 226.687 269.433 missing 0 1 0.0 10

Let’s see how many different EVIDs rows we have per subject:

@by pkdata :id begin
    :EVID_0 = count(==(0), :evid)
    :EVID_1 = count(==(1), :evid)
last(pkdata, 5)
5×9 DataFrame
Row id time cp dv amt evid cmt rate dosegrp
Int64 Float64 Float64? Float64? Float64? Int64 Int64 Float64 Int64
1 120 24.0 366.994 449.561 missing 0 1 0.0 120
2 120 36.0 147.526 129.685 missing 0 1 0.0 120
3 120 48.0 59.3031 67.6517 missing 0 1 0.0 120
4 120 60.0 23.8389 22.5353 missing 0 1 0.0 120
5 120 71.9 9.65593 14.4299 missing 0 1 0.0 120

We won’t be covering data wrangling here. Please check the Pumas Data Wrangling tutorials.

As you can see, we have 120 subjects each with one dosing row (evid == 1)and 15 measurement rows (evid == 0).

Each one of the subjets is being given a dose of 10 units intravenous at time 0.

Additionally we have a :dv column with the observations for the measurement rows.

Let’s parse the pkdata DataFrame into a Population with the read_pumas function:

pop = read_pumas(
    observations = [:dv],
    id = :id,
    time = :time,
    amt = :amt,
    evid = :evid,
  Subjects: 120
  Observations: dv

1.1.3 Fit your model

Now we are ready to fit our model! We already have a model specified, model_proportional and model_additive, along with a Population: pop. We can proceed with model fitting.

Model fiting in Pumas has the purpose of estimating parameters and is done by calling the fit function with the following positional arguments:

  1. Pumas model.
  2. a Population.
  3. a named tuple of the initial parameter values.
  4. an inference algorithm. Initial Parameter Values

We already covered model and Population, now let’s talk about initial parameter values. It is the 3rd positional argument inside fit.

You can specify you initial parameters as a named tuple. For instance, if you want to have a certain parameter, tvcl, as having an initial value as 1, you can do so by passing it inside a named tuple in the 3rd positional argument of fit:

fit(model, population, (; tvcl = 1.0))

You can also use the helper function init_params which will recover all the initial parameters we specified inside the model’s @param block.

Let’s define a named tuple with the initial parameters values and name it iparams:

iparams = (; tvcl = 1, tvvc = 10, Ω = Diagonal([0.09, 0.09]), σ = 0.3)
(tvcl = 1,
 tvvc = 10,
 Ω = [0.09 0.0; 0.0 0.09],
 σ = 0.3,)

For Ω, since it lies in the PDiagDomain, we are using a diagonal matrix (created with Diagonal by passing a vector where the components are the diagonal entries) as the initial value. Inference Algorithms

Finally, our last (4th) positional argument is the choice of inference algorithm.

Pumas has the following available inference algorithms:

  • Marginal Likelihood Estimation:

    • NaivePooled(): first order approximation without random-effects.
    • FO(): first-order approximation.
    • FOCE(): first-order conditional estimation with automatic interaction detection.
    • LaplaceI(): second-order Laplace approximation.
  • Bayesian with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC):

    • BayesMCMC(): MCMC using No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS).

We can also use a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation procedure for any marginal likelihood estimation algorithm. You just need to call the MAP() constructor with the desired marginal likelihood algorithm inside, for instance:

fit(model, population, init_params(model), MAP(FOCE()))

Ok, we are ready to fit our model. Let’s use the FOCE:

fit_proportional = fit(model_proportional, pop, iparams, FOCE())
[ Info: Checking the initial parameter values.
[ Info: The initial negative log likelihood and its gradient are finite. Check passed.
Iter     Function value   Gradient norm 
     0     1.287102e+04     2.175890e+03
 * time: 0.01943516731262207
     1     9.966790e+03     7.267813e+02
 * time: 0.3957481384277344
     2     9.530310e+03     5.388719e+02
 * time: 0.4464280605316162
     3     9.441794e+03     1.704334e+02
 * time: 0.4723851680755615
     4     9.413161e+03     7.105680e+01
 * time: 0.5141351222991943
     5     9.408707e+03     4.180099e+01
 * time: 0.5404541492462158
     6     9.404627e+03     3.771692e+01
 * time: 0.5730190277099609
     7     9.402418e+03     3.621230e+01
 * time: 0.6045730113983154
     8     9.400119e+03     3.839299e+01
 * time: 0.6292409896850586
     9     9.396350e+03     7.333659e+01
 * time: 0.6599910259246826
    10     9.389051e+03     1.097953e+02
 * time: 0.6844420433044434
    11     9.379940e+03     9.319034e+01
 * time: 0.7153611183166504
    12     9.376311e+03     2.014382e+01
 * time: 0.7401621341705322
    13     9.375988e+03     1.192272e+01
 * time: 0.7703349590301514
    14     9.375925e+03     4.549414e+00
 * time: 0.794478178024292
    15     9.375900e+03     4.852128e+00
 * time: 0.8233351707458496
    16     9.375861e+03     4.819367e+00
 * time: 0.8462450504302979
    17     9.375777e+03     4.366774e+00
 * time: 0.8756880760192871
    18     9.375687e+03     4.860785e+00
 * time: 0.8988780975341797
    19     9.375637e+03     2.345193e+00
 * time: 0.9279811382293701
    20     9.375629e+03     4.676143e-01
 * time: 0.9505319595336914
    21     9.375628e+03     2.889480e-02
 * time: 0.978248119354248
    22     9.375628e+03     1.919850e-03
 * time: 0.9988501071929932
    23     9.375628e+03     1.919850e-03
 * time: 1.0343921184539795

Successful minimization:                      true

Likelihood approximation:                     FOCE
Log-likelihood value:                   -9375.6282
Number of subjects:                            120
Number of parameters:         Fixed      Optimized
                                  0              5
Observation records:         Active        Missing
    dv:                        1799              0
    Total:                     1799              0

tvcl      3.8588
tvvc     70.902
Ω₁,₁      0.092946
Ω₂,₂      0.086108
σ         0.20577
fit_additive = fit(model_additive, pop, iparams, FOCE())
[ Info: Checking the initial parameter values.
[ Info: The initial negative log likelihood and its gradient are finite. Check passed.
Iter     Function value   Gradient norm 
     0     1.588465e+08     3.176814e+08
 * time: 6.604194641113281e-5
     1     2.150338e+07     4.299216e+07
 * time: 0.02059793472290039
     2     1.572596e+07     3.143684e+07
 * time: 0.06238508224487305
     3     6.715321e+06     1.341423e+07
 * time: 0.08315706253051758
     4     3.566781e+06     7.116167e+06
 * time: 0.10439395904541016
     5     1.747391e+06     3.476277e+06
 * time: 0.1428661346435547
     6     8.864643e+05     1.753370e+06
 * time: 0.16385197639465332
     7     4.469860e+05     8.733525e+05
 * time: 0.1920030117034912
     8     2.293023e+05     4.369527e+05
 * time: 0.2132101058959961
     9     1.203634e+05     2.180736e+05
 * time: 0.2415919303894043
    10     6.619611e+04     1.087875e+05
 * time: 0.26342296600341797
    11     3.931783e+04     5.413982e+04
 * time: 0.2926199436187744
    12     2.608031e+04     2.684178e+04
 * time: 0.31566810607910156
    13     1.964043e+04     1.321348e+04
 * time: 0.3464360237121582
    14     1.657783e+04     6.422866e+03
 * time: 0.3707289695739746
    15     1.517886e+04     3.049947e+03
 * time: 0.40310096740722656
    16     1.458532e+04     2.325300e+03
 * time: 0.43631601333618164
    17     1.436644e+04     2.248173e+03
 * time: 0.46254396438598633
    18     1.430480e+04     2.186338e+03
 * time: 0.49782800674438477
    19     1.429438e+04     2.151376e+03
 * time: 0.5239279270172119
    20     1.429364e+04     2.140132e+03
 * time: 0.5563540458679199
    21     1.429360e+04     2.138375e+03
 * time: 0.5801229476928711
    22     1.429353e+04     2.136357e+03
 * time: 0.6110649108886719
    23     1.429332e+04     2.132626e+03
 * time: 0.6423230171203613
    24     1.429278e+04     2.126512e+03
 * time: 0.6666610240936279
    25     1.429138e+04     2.115703e+03
 * time: 0.6992170810699463
    26     1.428779e+04     2.096394e+03
 * time: 0.7245800495147705
    27     1.427867e+04     2.060545e+03
 * time: 0.7582781314849854
    28     1.425620e+04     1.992853e+03
 * time: 0.7851901054382324
    29     1.420359e+04     1.867123e+03
 * time: 0.8197140693664551
    30     1.409023e+04     1.653232e+03
 * time: 0.8566141128540039
    31     1.386154e+04     1.339477e+03
 * time: 0.8845961093902588
    32     1.337973e+04     1.047824e+03
 * time: 0.9192869663238525
    33     1.234246e+04     1.048616e+03
 * time: 0.9526810646057129
    34     1.184183e+04     1.347805e+03
 * time: 0.9774379730224609
    35     1.171224e+04     3.358814e+02
 * time: 1.0083911418914795
    36     1.166954e+04     2.657564e+02
 * time: 1.0306239128112793
    37     1.165889e+04     2.390139e+02
 * time: 1.0602600574493408
    38     1.165375e+04     2.184673e+02
 * time: 1.0820550918579102
    39     1.164756e+04     1.786822e+02
 * time: 1.11171293258667
    40     1.164727e+04     1.704844e+02
 * time: 1.1328721046447754
    41     1.164727e+04     1.694788e+02
 * time: 1.1611900329589844
    42     1.164727e+04     1.694343e+02
 * time: 1.1799070835113525
    43     1.164727e+04     1.689388e+02
 * time: 1.2001159191131592
    44     1.164727e+04     1.684041e+02
 * time: 1.2273640632629395
    45     1.164726e+04     1.673538e+02
 * time: 1.2475600242614746
    46     1.164723e+04     1.657327e+02
 * time: 1.275799036026001
    47     1.164717e+04     1.629735e+02
 * time: 1.2963120937347412
    48     1.164701e+04     1.583893e+02
 * time: 1.3251550197601318
    49     1.164661e+04     1.505776e+02
 * time: 1.346127986907959
    50     1.164558e+04     1.372178e+02
 * time: 1.375119924545288
    51     1.164307e+04     1.144960e+02
 * time: 1.396301031112671
    52     1.163736e+04     7.750730e+01
 * time: 1.4252889156341553
    53     1.162580e+04     8.670705e+01
 * time: 1.4470949172973633
    54     1.160915e+04     8.563626e+01
 * time: 1.4696030616760254
    55     1.160265e+04     4.989346e+01
 * time: 1.4992010593414307
    56     1.160079e+04     3.988891e+01
 * time: 1.5203521251678467
    57     1.160063e+04     3.984885e+01
 * time: 1.5480599403381348
    58     1.160063e+04     3.991742e+01
 * time: 1.5676219463348389
    59     1.160063e+04     3.990645e+01
 * time: 1.5939490795135498
    60     1.160063e+04     3.990260e+01
 * time: 1.6164391040802002
    61     1.160063e+04     3.988869e+01
 * time: 1.6651151180267334
    62     1.160063e+04     3.987120e+01
 * time: 1.6868281364440918
    63     1.160063e+04     3.983975e+01
 * time: 1.7069659233093262
    64     1.160063e+04     3.979025e+01
 * time: 1.7360739707946777
    65     1.160062e+04     3.970760e+01
 * time: 1.7560510635375977
    66     1.160061e+04     3.957098e+01
 * time: 1.7843539714813232
    67     1.160059e+04     3.934001e+01
 * time: 1.8047730922698975
    68     1.160053e+04     4.129114e+01
 * time: 1.8336451053619385
    69     1.160037e+04     4.526013e+01
 * time: 1.8545610904693604
    70     1.159996e+04     5.171163e+01
 * time: 1.8835411071777344
    71     1.159889e+04     6.224566e+01
 * time: 1.9048430919647217
    72     1.159610e+04     7.949592e+01
 * time: 1.9263710975646973
    73     1.158885e+04     1.116231e+02
 * time: 1.955430030822754
    74     1.157141e+04     1.826731e+02
 * time: 1.9770591259002686
    75     1.156713e+04     1.629541e+02
 * time: 2.006380081176758
    76     1.155819e+04     4.596250e+01
 * time: 2.0277841091156006
    77     1.155714e+04     1.462578e+01
 * time: 2.0560169219970703
    78     1.155702e+04     2.265616e+00
 * time: 2.0767629146575928
    79     1.155702e+04     2.295916e+00
 * time: 2.1043100357055664
    80     1.155702e+04     2.298653e+00
 * time: 2.1229419708251953
    81     1.155702e+04     2.299166e+00
 * time: 2.142159938812256
    82     1.155702e+04     2.299179e+00
 * time: 2.168484926223755
    83     1.155702e+04     2.299201e+00
 * time: 2.1874020099639893
    84     1.155702e+04     2.299203e+00
 * time: 2.216576099395752
    85     1.155702e+04     2.299207e+00
 * time: 2.2378180027008057
    86     1.155702e+04     2.299212e+00
 * time: 2.267378091812134
    87     1.155702e+04     2.299212e+00
 * time: 2.315640926361084
    88     1.155702e+04     2.299212e+00
 * time: 2.35090708732605
    89     1.155702e+04     2.299212e+00
 * time: 2.3858821392059326
    90     1.155702e+04     2.299988e+00
 * time: 2.403024911880493
    91     1.155702e+04     2.300088e+00
 * time: 2.427070140838623
    92     1.155702e+04     2.300104e+00
 * time: 2.4493510723114014
    93     1.155702e+04     2.300104e+00
 * time: 2.496285915374756
    94     1.155702e+04     2.303390e+00
 * time: 2.5228919982910156
    95     1.155702e+04     2.303434e+00
 * time: 2.5460610389709473
    96     1.155702e+04     2.308098e+00
 * time: 2.5722060203552246
    97     1.155702e+04     2.310726e+00
 * time: 2.5901100635528564
    98     1.155702e+04     2.313249e+00
 * time: 2.6087229251861572
    99     1.155702e+04     2.311824e+00
 * time: 2.6345059871673584
   100     1.155702e+04     2.304763e+00
 * time: 2.6525869369506836
   101     1.155702e+04     2.290790e+00
 * time: 2.680082082748413
   102     1.155702e+04     3.202617e+00
 * time: 2.698375940322876
   103     1.155702e+04     4.522074e+00
 * time: 2.716813087463379
   104     1.155701e+04     6.352953e+00
 * time: 2.743880033493042
   105     1.155700e+04     8.653178e+00
 * time: 2.7630019187927246
   106     1.155698e+04     1.061112e+01
 * time: 2.790921926498413
   107     1.155695e+04     9.973410e+00
 * time: 2.809891939163208
   108     1.155692e+04     5.500129e+00
 * time: 2.829256057739258
   109     1.155691e+04     1.227379e+00
 * time: 2.8553271293640137
   110     1.155691e+04     3.462576e-02
 * time: 2.873772144317627
   111     1.155691e+04     2.413785e-02
 * time: 2.9006059169769287
   112     1.155691e+04     2.413785e-02
 * time: 2.9314301013946533
   113     1.155691e+04     2.413785e-02
 * time: 2.977231979370117
   114     1.155691e+04     3.200280e-03
 * time: 3.006772994995117
   115     1.155691e+04     3.200280e-03
 * time: 3.036504030227661
   116     1.155691e+04     3.200280e-03
 * time: 3.076885938644409
   117     1.155691e+04     3.200280e-03
 * time: 3.1214540004730225

Successful minimization:                      true

Likelihood approximation:                     FOCE
Log-likelihood value:                   -11556.912
Number of subjects:                            120
Number of parameters:         Fixed      Optimized
                                  0              5
Observation records:         Active        Missing
    dv:                        1799              0
    Total:                     1799              0

tvcl      3.7551
tvvc     70.013
Ω₁,₁      0.081122
Ω₂,₂      0.082246
σ       133.36

We can see that after a model is fitted, it prints a result with a summary and a table of the parameter estimates.

We can also recover the estimates as a named tuple with coef:

(tvcl = 3.8587845748637717,
 tvvc = 70.90170218787998,
 Ω = [0.09294630518788928 0.0; 0.0 0.08610779039444268],
 σ = 0.20576945081245504,)
(tvcl = 3.7551416421129415,
 tvvc = 70.01252463599228,
 Ω = [0.08112199423469915 0.0; 0.0 0.08224603511171875],
 σ = 133.36178550299428,)

Or as a DataFrame with coeftable:

5×2 DataFrame
Row parameter estimate
String Float64
1 tvcl 3.85878
2 tvvc 70.9017
3 Ω₁,₁ 0.0929463
4 Ω₂,₂ 0.0861078
5 σ 0.205769
5×2 DataFrame
Row parameter estimate
String Float64
1 tvcl 3.75514
2 tvvc 70.0125
3 Ω₁,₁ 0.081122
4 Ω₂,₂ 0.082246
5 σ 133.362

Here you see the first signs that the additive error model is not a good model for this data. The σ estimate values are off the charts.

1.1.4 Perform inference on the model’s population-level parameters

Once the model is fitted, we can analyze our inference and estimates.

We use the standard errors (SE) along with the 95% confidence intervals with the infer function:

infer_proportional = infer(fit_proportional)
[ Info: Calculating: variance-covariance matrix.
[ Info: Done.
Asymptotic inference results using sandwich estimator

Successful minimization:                      true

Likelihood approximation:                     FOCE
Log-likelihood value:                   -9375.6282
Number of subjects:                            120
Number of parameters:         Fixed      Optimized
                                  0              5
Observation records:         Active        Missing
    dv:                        1799              0
    Total:                     1799              0

        Estimate           SE                    95.0% C.I.
tvcl     3.8588          0.10912         [ 3.6449  ;  4.0727 ]
tvvc    70.902           1.9604          [67.059   ; 74.744  ]
Ω₁,₁     0.092946        0.015833        [ 0.061914;  0.12398]
Ω₂,₂     0.086108        0.010604        [ 0.065325;  0.10689]
σ        0.20577         0.0037734       [ 0.19837 ;  0.21317]
infer_additive = infer(fit_additive)
[ Info: Calculating: variance-covariance matrix.
[ Info: Done.
Asymptotic inference results using sandwich estimator

Successful minimization:                      true

Likelihood approximation:                     FOCE
Log-likelihood value:                   -11556.912
Number of subjects:                            120
Number of parameters:         Fixed      Optimized
                                  0              5
Observation records:         Active        Missing
    dv:                        1799              0
    Total:                     1799              0

        Estimate          SE                   95.0% C.I.
tvcl     3.7551         0.13754       [  3.4856  ;   4.0247 ]
tvvc    70.013          2.1774        [ 65.745   ;  74.28   ]
Ω₁,₁     0.081122       0.019287      [  0.04332 ;   0.11892]
Ω₂,₂     0.082246       0.01133       [  0.060041;   0.10445]
σ      133.36          10.536         [112.71    ; 154.01   ]

Also if you prefer other confidence interval band, you can choose with the keyword argument level inside infer.


For instance, one common band for the confidence intervals is 90%:

infer(fit_additive; level = 0.90)

We won’t be covering step 5 (predictions and simulations) of the workflow in this tutorial. The focus here is the fitting procedure and model comparisons.


You can also use the function correlation_diagnostic to print a list of parameter pairs with high or low correlations. The rest of the pairs that were not printed have a medium correlation. You can control the threshold of high correlation with the keyword argument high_cor_threshold, which is 0.7 by default.

Parameter pairs with high correlation (higher than 0.7): ("tvcl", "tvvc"), ("tvvc", "Ω₂,₂"), ("Ω₁,₁", "Ω₂,₂"), ("Ω₂,₂", "σ")
Parameter pairs with low correlation (less than 0.35): ("tvcl", "Ω₁,₁"), ("tvvc", "Ω₁,₁"), ("tvcl", "Ω₂,₂"), ("tvcl", "σ"), ("tvvc", "σ"), ("Ω₁,₁", "σ")
Parameter pairs with high correlation (higher than 0.7): ("tvcl", "Ω₁,₁"), ("tvvc", "Ω₁,₁"), ("tvvc", "Ω₂,₂")
Parameter pairs with low correlation (less than 0.35): ("tvcl", "tvvc"), ("tvcl", "Ω₂,₂"), ("Ω₁,₁", "Ω₂,₂"), ("tvcl", "σ"), ("tvvc", "σ"), ("Ω₁,₁", "σ"), ("Ω₂,₂", "σ")

1.1.5 Model diagnostics

Finally, our last step is to assess model diagnostics. Assessing model diagnostics

To assess model diagnostics we can use the inspect function in our fitted Pumas models:

inspect_proportional = inspect(fit_proportional)
[ Info: Calculating predictions.
[ Info: Calculating weighted residuals.
[ Info: Calculating empirical bayes.
[ Info: Evaluating individual parameters.
[ Info: Evaluating dose control parameters.
[ Info: Done.

Fitting was successful: true
Likehood approximation used for weighted residuals : Pumas.FOCE()
inspect_additive = inspect(fit_additive)
[ Info: Calculating predictions.
[ Info: Calculating weighted residuals.
[ Info: Calculating empirical bayes.
[ Info: Evaluating individual parameters.
[ Info: Evaluating dose control parameters.
[ Info: Done.

Fitting was successful: true
Likehood approximation used for weighted residuals : Pumas.FOCE()

inspect will perform the following procedures:

  • model predictions
  • residuals
  • empirical Bayes estimates
  • individual coefficients
  • dose control parameters

Additionally, we can get all of our model metrics, such as AIC, BIC, etc. with the metrics_table function:

17×2 DataFrame
Row Metric Value
String Any
1 Successful true
2 Estimation Time 1.035
3 Subjects 120
4 Fixed Parameters 0
5 Optimized Parameters 5
6 dv Active Observations 1799
7 dv Missing Observations 0
8 Total Active Observations 1799
9 Total Missing Observations 0
10 Likelihood Approximation Pumas.FOCE
11 LogLikelihood (LL) -9375.63
12 -2LL 18751.3
13 AIC 18761.3
14 BIC 18788.7
15 (η-shrinkage) η₁ 0.013
16 (η-shrinkage) η₂ 0.024
17 (ϵ-shrinkage) dv 0.061
17×2 DataFrame
Row Metric Value
String Any
1 Successful true
2 Estimation Time 3.122
3 Subjects 120
4 Fixed Parameters 0
5 Optimized Parameters 5
6 dv Active Observations 1799
7 dv Missing Observations 0
8 Total Active Observations 1799
9 Total Missing Observations 0
10 Likelihood Approximation Pumas.FOCE
11 LogLikelihood (LL) -11556.9
12 -2LL 23113.8
13 AIC 23123.8
14 BIC 23151.3
15 (η-shrinkage) η₁ 0.282
16 (η-shrinkage) η₂ 0.137
17 (ϵ-shrinkage) dv 0.043

As you can the proportional error model has a lower AIC than the additive, hence it should be preferred.

But let’s take a look at visual diagnostics. Goodness of Fit Plots

We can pass any result from inspect to the goodness_of_fit plotting function:

    figure = (; resolution = (1200, 800)),
    axis = (; title = "Proportional Error Model"),

    figure = (; resolution = (1200, 800)),
    axis = (; title = "Additive Error Model"),


We are using some keyword arguments to customize the plot returned by the goodness_of_fit function.

Please check Pumas’ documentation on plot customization for more details.

The weighted residuals should be standard normally distributed throughout the time and the individual predictions domain.

We see that this is the case for the proportional error model, but certainly not for the additive error model. The additive error model weighted residuals’ variance increases with the individual predictions values.

This is another indicator that the additive error model is not able to capture the data generating process.


One might also plot a QQ plot to check for normality of the residuals. Visual Predictive Checks (VPCs)

To conclude, we can inspect visual predictive checks with the vpc_plot() function. But first, we need to generate a VPC object with the vpc() function:

vpc_proportional = vpc(fit_proportional)
[ Info: Continuous VPC
Visual Predictive Check
  Type of VPC: Continuous VPC
  Simulated populations: 499
  Subjects in data: 120
  Stratification variable(s): None
  Confidence level: 0.95
  VPC lines: quantiles ([0.1, 0.5, 0.9])
vpc_additive = vpc(fit_additive)
[ Info: Continuous VPC
Visual Predictive Check
  Type of VPC: Continuous VPC
  Simulated populations: 499
  Subjects in data: 120
  Stratification variable(s): None
  Confidence level: 0.95
  VPC lines: quantiles ([0.1, 0.5, 0.9])

Now, we need to use the vpc_plot function into our newly created VPC object:

vpc_plot(vpc_proportional; axis = (; title = "Proportional Error Model"))

vpc_plot(vpc_additive; axis = (; title = "Additive Error Model"))

As you can see in the VPC plots above, the additive error model performs poorly in the visual predictive checks, and its quantiles even capture negative concentrations.

Hence, this is the final nail in the coffin of the additive error. Ultimately, we should prefer the proportional error model.

1.2 Conclusion

This tutorial showed how to use fit a PK model in Pumas and how to compare models.

Please try out fit on your own data and model, and reach out if further questions or problems come up.