This tutorial will be a deep dive into AoG.jl grammar and algebraic operations. All revolves around the AlgebraOfGraphics.Layer and AlgebraOfGraphics.Layers types. They represent a single layer or a list of layers, respectively. These are the types you can add and multiply in AoG.jl with + and *.
Each layer in AoG.jl is composed of data, mappings and transformations.
Even if you do not specify a transformation with visual(), AoG.j will default to visual(Scatter). So every layer has always these three components.
You can replace data, merge mappings or concatenate transformations. All these operations are defined in a multiplication operation with *.
The addition operation + is used to superimpose separated layers.
In summary:
The symbol * is used to merge two layers, combining information.
The symbol + adds layers as separate layers (on top of each other).
Both + and * obey the distributive law: a * (b + c) == (a * b) + (a * c).
To begin, like before, let’s load AoG.jl, data wrangling libraries and the DataFrame we’ve used previously:
a data() layer with a data structure, e.g., a DataFrame.
a mapping() layer with the columns :AGE and :eGFR called cols.
a transformation visual() layer with the Scatter plotting type as geom.
df_layer =data(df)
cols =mapping(:AGE, :eGFR)
geom =visual(Scatter)
1 ✖️ Multiplication of Layers with the * Operator
To show how we can merge layers with the * operator, see the following example. Here we are combining the information from the data() layer, the mapping() layer (with the cols) and the transformation visual() layer (with the geom) into a single layer.
You can see that the returned object of the operations with the * is a AlgebraOfGraphics.Layer:
new_layer = df_layer * cols * geom;
And here is the new_layer visualization:
new_layer |> draw
2 ➕ Addition of Layers with the + Operator
The addition operator + does not combine AoG.jl’s Layers objects into a single Layer object like the *. Instead it returns a AlgebraOfGraphics.Layers object (note the s in Layers) which is a list of Layers:
separate_layers =visual(Scatter) +linear();
And this is the visualization of the superimposition of Layers with the + operator:
data(df) * cols * separate_layers |> draw
If we want to combine the linear() layer with another, we can do so with the * operator:
Layers can be combined with pairwise products with:
combined_layer1 * combined_layer2
This will create all pairwise combinations of the combined_layer1 with combined_layer2. See this example with a data_layer, a scatter_layer and a linear_layer: