PK45 - Reversible Metabolism of Drug (A) & Associated Metabolite (B)

1 Learning Outcome

In this model, you will learn how to build a two compartment parent and one compartment metabolite model with reversible metabolism, while parent and metabolite are administered on two different occasions.

2 Background

Before constructing a model, it is important to establish the process the model will follow and a scenario for the simulation.

Below is the scenario for this tutorial:

  • Structural model - Two compartment model for parent and one compartment model for metabolite with reversible metabolism
  • Route of administration - Administration of the parent drug and metabolite on two different occasions
  • Dosage Regimen - 4.3 μmol/Kg of parent & 5 μmol/Kg of metabolite
  • Number of Subjects - 1

This diagram describes how such an administered dose will be handled, which facilitates building the model. PK45 Graphic Model

3 Libraries

Call the required libraries to get started

using Pumas
using PumasUtilities
using Random
using CairoMakie
using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CSV
using DataFramesMeta

4 Model

This is a model describing a parent with a two-compartment disposition profile and a metabolite following a one-compartment disposition profile in the same model framework.

pk_45 = @model begin
    @metadata begin
        desc = "Two Compartment Model with Metabolite Compartment"
        timeu = u"hr"

    @param begin
        Volume of Distribution - Central Parent (L/kg)
        tvvcp  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Volume of Distribution - Peripheral Parent (L/kg)
        tvvpp  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Intercompartmental Clearance - Parent (L/hr/kg)
        tvqp  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Clearance - Parent (L/hr/kg)
        tvclp  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Volume of Distribution - Metabolite Parent (L/kg)
        tvvcm  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Clearance - Metabolite (L/hr/kg)
        tvclm  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Conversion of Parent to Metabolite (L/hr/kg)
        tvclpm  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Conversion of Metabolite to Parent (L/hr/kg)
        tvclmp  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Additive RUV for Parent Drug Concentration
        σ_add_cp  RealDomain(; lower = 0)
        Additive RUV for Metabolite Drug Concentration
        σ_add_met  RealDomain(; lower = 0)

    @pre begin
        Vcp = tvvcp
        Vpp = tvvpp
        Qp = tvqp
        Clp = tvclp
        Vcm = tvvcm
        Clm = tvclm
        Clpm = tvclpm
        Clmp = tvclmp

    @dynamics begin
        Centralp' =
            (Qp / Vpp) * Peripheralp - (Qp / Vcp) * Centralp - (Clp / Vcp) * Centralp -
            (Clpm / Vcp) * Centralp + (Clmp / Vcm) * Centralm
        Peripheralp' = (Qp / Vcp) * Centralp - (Qp / Vpp) * Peripheralp
        Centralm' =
            -(Clm / Vcm) * Centralm - (Clmp / Vcm) * Centralm + (Clpm / Vcp) * Centralp

    @derived begin
        cp = @. Centralp / Vcp
        met = @. Centralm / Vcm
        Observed Concentration - Parent (μM)
        dv_cp ~ @. Normal(cp, σ_add_cp)
        Observed Concentration - Metabolite (μM)
        dv_met ~ @. Normal(met, σ_add_met)
  Parameters: tvvcp, tvvpp, tvqp, tvclp, tvvcm, tvclm, tvclpm, tvclmp, σ_add_cp, σ_add_met
  Random effects: 
  Dynamical system variables: Centralp, Peripheralp, Centralm
  Dynamical system type: Matrix exponential
  Derived: cp, met, dv_cp, dv_met
  Observed: cp, met, dv_cp, dv_met
Take note of the derived block!
  1. Do not forget the @.
  2. Be sure to code for the correct Residual Unexplained Variability (RUV) in the derived block. This is an example of a model with additive RUV.

5 Parameters

Parameters provided for simulation.

  • tvvcp - Volume of distribution of central compartment of Parent (L/kg)
  • tvvpp - Volume of distribution of peripheral compartment of Parent (L/kg)
  • tvqp - Intercompartmental clearance of Parent (L/hr/kg)
  • tvclp - Clearance of Parent (L/hr/kg)
  • tvvcm - Volume of distribution of central compartment of Metabolite (L/kg)
  • tvclm - Clearance of Metabolite (L/hr/kg)
  • tvclpm - Conversion of Parent to Metabolite (L/hr/kg)
  • tvclmp - Conversion of Metabolite to Parent (L/hr/kg)
  • σ - Residual error

These are the initial estimates that we will be using in this model exercise. Note that tv represents the typical value for parameters.

param = (;
    tvvcp = 0.563,
    tvvpp = 0.424,
    tvqp = 0.115,
    tvclp = 0.343,
    tvvcm = 0.932,
    tvclm = 0.068,
    tvclpm = 0.015,
    tvclmp = 0.046,
    σ_add_cp = 0.002,
    σ_add_met = 0.003,

6 Dosage Regimen

To start the simulation process, the dosing regimen from the background section must be developed first prior to running a simulation.

The dosage regimen is specified as:

  • A dose of 4.3 μmol/kg of the Parent is administered as a rapid IV Injection over 15 seconds
  • A dose of 5 μmol/kg of the metabolite is administered as a rapid IV Injection over 15 seconds

This is how to establish the dosing regimen:

dr_p = DosageRegimen(4.3; cmt = 1, time = 0, duration = 0.0041)
1×10 DataFrame
Row time cmt amt evid ii addl rate duration ss route
Float64 Int64 Float64 Int8 Float64 Int64 Float64 Float64 Int8 NCA.Route
1 0.0 1 4.3 1 0.0 0 1048.78 0.0041 0 NullRoute

This is how to create the population undergoing the dosing regimen above.

sub_p = Subject(; id = "Parent", events = dr_p)
  ID: Parent
  Events: 2

The same process will be repeated for the metabolite.

dr_m = DosageRegimen(5; cmt = 3, time = 0, duration = 0.0041)
1×10 DataFrame
Row time cmt amt evid ii addl rate duration ss route
Float64 Int64 Float64 Int8 Float64 Int64 Float64 Float64 Int8 NCA.Route
1 0.0 3 5.0 1 0.0 0 1219.51 0.0041 0 NullRoute
sub_m = Subject(; id = "Metabolite", events = dr_m)
  ID: Metabolite
  Events: 2

This is putting both subjects together as a population.

sub = [sub_p, sub_m]
  Subjects: 2

7 Simulation

We are going to simulate the parent and metabolite concentration profiles.


The Random.seed! function is included here for purposes of reproducibility of the simulation in this tutorial. Specification of a seed value would not be required in a Pumas workflow that is estimating model parameters.

sim_sub = simobs(pk_45, sub, param, obstimes = 0.1:0.001:31)
Simulated population (Vector{<:Subject})
  Simulated subjects: 2
  Simulated variables: cp, met, dv_cp, dv_met

8 Visualization

From the plots below, we can observe the parent and metabolite concentration profiles in the system.

@chain DataFrame(sim_sub) begin
    data(_) *
        :time => "Time (hours)",
        :cp => "Parent Concentration (μM)",
        color = :id => "",
    ) *
    visual(Lines; linewidth = 4)
        figure = (; fontsize = 22),
        axis = (;
            yscale = log10,
            ytickformat = i -> (@. string(round(i; digits = 1))),
            xticks = 0:5:35,
        legend = (; position = :bottom),

@chain DataFrame(sim_sub) begin
    data(_) *
        :time => "Time (hours)",
        :met => "Metabolite Concentration (μM)",
        color = :id => "",
    ) *
    visual(Lines; linewidth = 4)
        figure = (; fontsize = 22),
        axis = (;
            yscale = log10,
            ytickformat = i -> (@. string(round(i; digits = 1))),
            xticks = 0:5:35,
        legend = (; position = :bottom),

9 Population Simulation

This block updates the parameters of the model to increase intersubject variability in parameters and defines timepoints for the prediction of concentrations. The results are written to a CSV file.

These are the initial parameters that will be used and the creation of the populations for the parent and the metabolite.

par = (
    tvvcp = 0.563,
    tvvpp = 0.424,
    tvqp = 0.115,
    tvclp = 0.343,
    tvvcm = 0.932,
    tvclm = 0.068,
    tvclpm = 0.015,
    tvclmp = 0.046,
    σ_add_cp = 0.002,
    σ_add_met = 0.003,

dr_p = DosageRegimen(4.3; cmt = 1, time = 0, duration = 0.0041)
pop_p = map(
    i -> Subject(
        id = i,
        events = dr_p,
        time = [0.0042, 0.0333, 0.1667, 0.5, 1, 2, 2.75, 5, 7, 24, 31],
dr_m = DosageRegimen(5; cmt = 3, time = 0, duration = 0.0041)
pop_m = map(
    i -> Subject(
        id = i,
        events = dr_m,
        time = [0.0042, 0.0333, 0.1333, 0.25, 0.75, 2, 4, 7, 12, 23],

This is the evaluation for the overall population.

pop = [pop_p; pop_m]

sim_pop = simobs(pk_45, pop, par)

df_sim = DataFrame(sim_pop)

#CSV.write("pk_45.csv", df_sim)
Saving the Simulation Results

With the CSV.write function, you can input the name of the dataframe (df_sim) and the file name of your choice (pk_45.csv) to save the file to your local directory or repository.

10 Conclusion

Constructing a multi-part model showcasing a parent/metabolite relationship with two different disposition profiles involves:

  • understanding the process of how the metabolite is passed through the system,
  • translating processes for both parent and metabolite into ODEs using Pumas, and
  • simulating the model in a single patient for evaluation.