PK04 (Part 1) - One-compartment oral dosing

1 Background

  • Structural model - One compartment linear elimination with first order absorption.
  • Route of administration - Oral, Multiple dosing
  • Dosage Regimen - 352.3 μg
  • Number of Subjects - 1

PK04 (Part 1) Model Graphic

We recommend reading our introductory tutorial on PK02 - One-compartment oral dosing for comparison.

2 Learning Outcome

This exercise demonstrates simulating multiple oral dosing kinetics from a one compartment model. In the exercise PK04, four models are compared.

  • Model 1 - One compartment model without lag-time, distinct parameters Ka and K
  • Model 2 - One compartment model with lag time, distinct parameters Ka and K
  • Model 3 - One compartment model without lag time, Ka = K = K¹
  • Model 4 - One compartment model with lag time, Ka = K = K¹

Models 1 and 2 are included in this tutorial, while models 3 and 4 are included in the second part of this tutorial.

3 Objectives

To build a one-compartment model, simulate the model for a single subject given a multiple oral dosing, and subsequently perform a simulation for a population.

4 Libraries

Load the necessary libraries.

using PumasUtilities
using Pumas
using Random
using CairoMakie
using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CSV
using DataFramesMeta
using Dates

5 Model definition

Note the expression of the model parameters with helpful comments. The model is expressed with differential equations. Residual variability is a proportional error model.

In this one compartment model, we administer multiple doses orally.

pk_04_1_2 = @model begin
    @metadata begin
        desc = "One Compartment Model"
        timeu = u"hr"

    @param begin
        Absorption Rate constant (1/hr)
        tvka  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Elimination Rate Constant (1/hr)
        tvk  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Volume of Distribution (L)
        tvvc  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Lag-time (hr)
        tvlag  RealDomain(lower = 0)
        Ω  PDiagDomain(3)
        Proportional RUV
        σ²_prop  RealDomain(lower = 0)

    @random begin
        η ~ MvNormal(Ω)

    @pre begin
        Ka = tvka * exp(η[1])
        K = tvk * exp(η[2])
        Vc = tvvc * exp(η[3])

    @dosecontrol begin
        lags = (Depot = tvlag,)

    @dynamics begin
        Depot' = -Ka * Depot
        Central' = Ka * Depot - K * Central

    @derived begin
        PK04 Concentration (μg/L)
        cp = @. Central / Vc
        PK04 Concentration (μg/L)
        dv ~ @. Normal(cp, sqrt(cp^2 * σ²_prop))
  Parameters: tvka, tvk, tvvc, tvlag, Ω, σ²_prop
  Random effects: η
  Dynamical system variables: Depot, Central
  Dynamical system type: Matrix exponential
  Derived: cp, dv
  Observed: cp, dv

6 Initial Estimates of Model Parameters

The model parameters for simulation are the following. Note that tv represents the typical value for parameters.

  • Ka - Absorption Rate Constant (hr⁻¹),
  • K - Elimination Rate Constant (hr⁻¹),
  • Vc - Volume of Central Compartment(L),
  • Ω - Between Subject Variability,
  • σ - Residual error

A vector of model parameter values is defined.

param = [
        tvka = 0.14,
        tvk = 0.14,
        tvvc = 56.6,
        tvlag = 0.00,
        Ω = Diagonal([0.01, 0.01, 0.01]),
        σ²_prop = 0.015,
        tvka = 0.20,
        tvk = 0.12,
        tvvc = 64.9,
        tvlag = 3.0,
        Ω = Diagonal([0.01, 0.01, 0.01]),
        σ²_prop = 0.01,

7 Dosage Regimen

Dosage Regimen - 352.3 μg of oral dose once a day for 10 days.

ev1 = DosageRegimen(352.3, time = 0, ii = 24, addl = 9, cmt = 1)
1×10 DataFrame
Row time cmt amt evid ii addl rate duration ss route
Float64 Int64 Float64 Int8 Float64 Int64 Float64 Float64 Int8 NCA.Route
1 0.0 1 352.3 1 24.0 9 0.0 0.0 0 NullRoute

8 Define a single-individual that receives the defined dose

pop = map(
    i -> Subject(id = i, events = ev1, observations = (cp = nothing,)),
    ["1: No Lag", "1: With Lag"],
  Subjects: 2
  Observations: cp

9 Simulation

Simulate the plasma concentration of the drug after multiple oral dosing.

Initialize the random number generator with a seed for reproducibility of the simulation.


Define the timepoints at which concentration values will be simulated.

sim = map(zip(pop, param)) do (subj, p)
    return simobs(pk_04_1_2, subj, p, obstimes = 0:0.1:240)
Simulated population (Vector{<:Subject})
  Simulated subjects: 2
  Simulated variables: cp, dv

10 Visualize Results

@chain DataFrame(sim) begin
    data(_) *
        :time => "Time (hours)",
        :cp => "PK04 Concentration (μg/L)",
        color = :id => "",
    ) *
    visual(Lines, linewidth = 4)
    draw(; axis = (; xticks = 0:24:240,), figure = (; fontsize = 22))

11 Perform a Population Simulation

We perform a population simulation with 40 participants.

This code demonstrates how to write the simulated concentrations to a comma separated file (.csv).

par2 = (
    tvka = 0.20,
    tvk = 0.12,
    tvvc = 64.9,
    tvlag = 3.0,
    Ω = Diagonal([0.0326, 0.048, 0.096]),
    σ²_prop = 0.019,

ev1 = DosageRegimen(352.3, time = 0, ii = 24, addl = 9, cmt = 1)
pop = map(i -> Subject(id = 1, events = ev1), 1:40)

pop_sim = simobs(pk_04_1_2, pop, par2, obstimes = 0:1:240)

pkdata_04_1_2_sim = DataFrame(pop_sim)

#CSV.write("pk_04_1_2_sim.csv", pkdata_04_1_2_sim)

12 Conclusion

This tutorial showed how to build a one compartement model with and without lag time and performing a single subject and population simulation.